Monday, October 26, 2009

Exploring Emics

One of the great benefits of studying abroad is that it provides a more enlightened perspective on which to view the world. Etics, such as the need to eat, drink, and sleep certainly happen in every culture, but it may be naive to think that any activities beyond that aren't influenced by culture. My experience studying in Japan this semester is constantly challenging that which I once held to be universal truths.

Only now am I realizing how much my outlook on life is truly shaped by American culture. One interesting example of this is the "animal noises" in Japan. Previously, I assumed that all frogs went ribbit, all cats went meow, and all sheeps went baah, etc. Little did I know, that intercultural communication in Japan extends to animals as well.

Dogs say "wan wan"
Horses say "hihiin"
Pigs say "buu buu"?

And perhaps the funniest one, frogs say "gero gero"

The following link has a list of some other Japanese sounds..

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